There are dozens of different things that could cause you to be considered a “high-risk” applicant. These applicants are going to pay more for their policy, and in some cases, they could be declined for life insurance coverage. To name a few types of high-risk categories would be health-related issues, types of occupations such as pilots, military or even law enforcement. Individuals who are also into high-risk hobbies such as sky diving, hang gliding, mountain climbing would also be considered high risk.
We take people who have been highly rated or even declined and find them affordable rates. In many cases, we perform a life insurance pre-qualification screening process which helps underwriters determine the classification of risk the insurance company would be taking on.
One area where we stand out is depending on your classification of “risk” our life insurance agents write cover letters to help explain your situation and other issues that may raise red flags to underwriters.
Medical records that are written by doctors don’t always tell the full story and underwriters review these records to determine where you may fall in terms of an insurance rating. The better your insurance rating, the lower your premium.
We complete an ANONYMOUS “pre-qualification” letter with detailed information regarding your health and send it out to all our life insurance companies.
The life insurance companies will make tentative offers (or decline). We sort through all of them and present you the best one.
If you decide to apply, we get that “ pre-qualification” offer in writing and attach it to your formal application.
We work with different health issues every day and try to write as many articles as we can to help consumers understand how their health issues will affect their life insurance.
As a high-risk applicant, you’re going to pay more for your life insurance. But you don’t have to pay your whole life savings to get protection. Even with a pre-existing condition, there are some ways you can obtain qualify for an affordable high-risk life insurance policy. You can view our top rated companies for a high-risk life insurance quote to get an idea of what the premiums would be.
There are other ways to save on your month to month premium which would include, paying premiums semi-annually or annually. Life insurance carriers typically offer discounts to those to pay for a year in advance.
First, make sure you’re following your doctor’s orders in regards to your health. Whatever health problem you may have, make sure you’re doing all you can to control it.
Getting Life Insurance Quotes is simple and private.
Secondly, time to cut out all your bad habits. Maybe it’s late night junk food binges or smoking cigarettes.
This should always be the first thing you do. A trusted agent knows that your history of abuse does not have to stand in the way of finding an affordable life insurance policy.
Every carrier uses different guidelines to assess risk: if you’re taking measures and adhering to the following steps, you will certainly be able to find an affordable insurance policy to suit your needs.
Life Insurance agents all use the same published rates. It doesn’t matter if you go directly to the company or use a broker like MytermLifeGuy. What makes the difference is the health rating you obtain. That’s where an impaired risk specialist can save you A LOT of money. We’re more than happy to help you and each of our clients. Keep in mind that your age and health affect your life insurance premiums.
You can work with an agent to find a life insurance policy and can get a personalized, free, and no-obligation life insurance quote in just a few minutes. It’s that easy to start protecting your family’s financial future! Requesting a life insurance quote through AIG Direct is now faster and easier than ever!
With My Term Life Guy, you can get quality term life insurance coverage for less. Call now and save up to 60% on your term life policy compared to the same coverage through other carriers. That means you can get similar coverage for your money – and that’s always a good thing!
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Typically, an individual can get up to 20 times her or his annual income in coverage.
The total coverage amount a person will qualify for often decreases with age, as retirement draws nearer.
For those who are not currently employed, it is still possible to get $50,000 – $100,000 of coverage for items such as final expenses. Unemployed individuals will have to provide information on the application to prove they can afford the premiums, such as disability or retirement income information.
It is possible to get more than 20 times your income for coverage if you have additional assets to protect over and above your income. It is also possible for a homemaker to qualify for the same amount of coverage their spouse has, even without a separate income.
This depends on what kind of policy you apply for.
Typically a No Medical Exam policy can be applied for, approved, and put in force within approximately two business days. No Medical Exam policies are available to clients up to age 60 or so, depending on the insurance company. The coverage amount you can apply for is limited, due to the greater risk the insurance company is taking. (When there’s no physical exam involved, the insurance company has less health information about the applicant.) For healthy applicants, these policies can cost up to twice the rate of a medically underwritten policy. However, there are people who don’t like needles, and the No Medical Exam option is a great one for that reason!
A medically underwritten, or traditional, term policy will typically take about 3 weeks from start to finish. This process can take longer when applicants have health issues and the underwriter orders medical records from their doctor. If this occurs, we let our clients know that they can call and ask their doctor to expedite the submission of the medical records to the underwriter in an effort to speed up the application process.
Most carriers have the same rules when it comes to paying premiums on life insurance policies. The only way to make monthly payments these days is to authorize a monthly automatic draft from your checking or savings account. If you prefer not to make automatic payments, there are some other options. You can receive a bill by mail if you elect to pay quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Most people choose to make automatic payments for their life insurance for the same reason they do for other bills, such as car insurance: they don’t want their policy to be canceled because of non-payment.
You do not have to send a payment with your application, unless you want to be covered during the underwriting process (which typically takes about 3 weeks). Most people choose to wait until their application has been approved to make a payment and begin coverage. Once an approval is made, you can make changes to the policy to fit your budget if the rate that comes back is different from the one you applied for. Also, most people want to know the exact cost before making a payment to begin coverage. You do not have to provide billing information on the application, either. That information can be collected after an approval has been made and you’ve decided that you want to begin the coverage afforded by the policy.
If you want to secure temporary insurance and be covered during the underwriting period, simply include a payment for two months’ premium. It’s refundable if you decide not to take out a policy based on the final approved rate.
It depends on the pre-existing condition. For example, it’s difficult to obtain life insurance when you’ve had cancer (skin cancer is the one exception) or within 5 years after having a heart attack. On the other hand, it’s fairly easy for people who have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or high blood sugar, such as those with type 2 diabetes, to obtain coverage as long as they are under a doctor’s care and the condition is under control.
There are graded benefit and/or final expense policies available for people with greater health risks. The corresponding premiums will be higher, depending on the severity of the pre-existing condition. It’s often beneficial for an applicant with pre-existing conditions to discuss them with an agent before applying for coverage, to increase the chances of a more favorable approval.
hat depends on your needs. A person’s needs change over time. Most term life insurance policies have a premium that increases each year after the initial guaranteed level term period. If you are nearing the end of your initial term period and want to lock in a rate that won’t change for another predetermined number of years, it might benefit you to apply for a new policy and replace, or surrender, the old one.